My Goal Is To Make Thousands Per Month With Leo

in LeoFinance11 months ago

Leofinance is changing the game. Every since the idea was dropped on the last AMA, my level of excitement is growing. We got some insight into a potentiality that could change Leo and Hive.

My view is that, if success, this is going to alter Hive completely. We can expect other projects to duplicate this since cryptocurrency tends to be a copycat world. Ultimately, the goal is to bring money into Hive and this will accomplish it.

This all is related to LeoAds. We were aware of the buyback program but the tidbit about evergreen content was vital.

It was followed up by this tweet.

Thousands Of Dollars Per Month

The idea is $10K+ per month is exciting. Personally, I am not sure how realistic it is but I do not see the numbers. It is still a mystery to us how much is being generated at the volume we now have.

We were told there is an article coming up about this. Supposedly it is written so we are getting closer.

That aside, consider the potential of getting a couple thousand of dollars per month of Leo. This is something, based upon the tweet, that might be realistic.

In fact, that is the goal I am setting for myself. Fortunately, I have a lot of content that is already posted on-chainy-on-chain. However, it is going to require more building to get more activity tied to it. This is going to be a process.

Making A Living Off Hive

Many want to make their living off Hive. It is possible that Leo is going to provide that to people.

If this is accurate, content creators are going to share with the ad revenue generated off their articles (and I presume threads). This is revolutionary for Hive.

At present, the focus is on the 7 day voting window. Few are looking past the first couple days of getting rewards. How many have set a 3 year plan for anything they are creating on Hive? I would guess few are thinking in those terms.

This all is changing. If Leo is going to revitalize evergreen content, this alters everything. People will have a reason to go back through old content and refresh it. We also all have incentive to bring more to Leo. Clicks are the thing that we are after.

It is basic Internet 101.

Lifetime Clicks

We suddenly have a major shift in focus. This is no longer a short term view. Instead, the smart money will look long term.

In other words, it becomes a game of lifetime clicks. It is better for the platform and author as more clicks accumulate over time.

The great part is we generate then as we are going through our day. By being active on Leo, we are creating content along with clicking as we go. This helps the ecosystem along with the others in it.

What gets really exciting is that it only takes one breakthrough article and one can generate millions of clicks over time.

Kevin Kelly, the one behind Wired, is known for writing some articles that are still read more than 15 years later. They are a few thousand words but touch upon some of the most important topics related to technology and artificial intelligence.

Massive success of the platform requires only a few pieces going viral. Once that happens, we start to see everything else being enhanced in value.

Willing To Put In The Work

This is what is going to separate the select few from the masses. Everyone wants to payout yet most tend to be averse to putting in the work.

While anything can go viral since that tends to be a matter of luck, to truly succeed is going to require consistency and the creation of content that others will find valuable. This means honing our skills even further to try and get them placed where they will be seen.

Refreshing older articles is not enjoyable for anyone. However, when it comes to this game, it is vital. More content needs to be added along with more optimization. This could mean adding some headers, adding another 500 words, and highlighting some keywords.

In other words, everyone can truly be their own business on Leo. Of course, like any business, it means showing up each day and doing what is required to be successful.

Fortunately, it looks like the platform is here for people to accomplish what they desire. It is an open game and anyone can participate.

The question is who will.

My goal is to generate at least a couple thousand of dollars a month off this.

Let's see what the program truly looks like.

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logo by @st8z

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Holy fracking shit.
Now I am over the moon excited.

We will see what comes from it. That is why I want to see the article Khal is putting together. We need details.

But tweet is telling.

The devil is in the details.

Exciting times for the community and for those who are putting in the work. Waiting impatiently for what Khal has teased. And did you noticed there had been an airdropped $LEO to 50 accounts, including yours? Must be another tease, lol!

Is that from Leoads?

I am not sure, it's my wild guess too, probably a test of the smart contract. How cool if it is from LeoAds :)

It would be a bit disappointing if that is the monthly payout. We will see what it is for. Very interesting that it only went to 50 accounts.

Might just be a test. Would be good to learn what it is.

It would be good to know.

No I didnt realize that. We will see what it is for.

You are a Legend!!!

It can be duplicated. Others can follow suit. It just requires the dedication to take consistent action.

Yeah, Im happy so far with my little success here 😀

Increase the activity and you will see your success rate go up. It is really that simple.

Yeah, but sometimes is hard.

Looking forward to all of it. I have some awesome content plans ahead once I get to my farm and can build out the studio which is number 1 priority so I can get back to work! Won’t have great internet so it will be all recorded videos for the time being, but consistent, which is the key, and I haven’t been able to be as consistent as I want while living as a nomad. Too many distractions and internet issues. Anyway, I digress… lol…

It means putting in the work as you know.

For sure. In my current situation making the quality content I want to make is real hard. Having a full on production studio is going to change the game for me.

The idea is $10K+ per month is exciting

It's very exciting and crazy news for us. Don't know how it will happen but if it happens, then it would be great and to know how it will happen we need to wait for it.

If Leo is going to revitalize evergreen content, this alters everything.

It will be the most interesting thing if that happens and I am waiting for it.

Well people who are waiting around are going to find they are late to the game. The time to start revitalizing their older content is here.

This is such an amazing initiative and I look forward to it when it truly arrives. Hivers who put in the effort and work into their content would benefit immensely from this.

We will see what happens. I am looking for an article this week about it. We will see if it shows up.

You're really putting in much effort, from staking of Leo, content Curation, content creation and #Leothreads. I love your enthusiasm. My pleasure 😂

I can see this becoming a big game changer on the ecosystem. A new revenue stream that users can work on to get paid after the 7 days payout window. It's a shift in mindset in regards to creating content. Looking forward to the written article explaining the details :)

It is a potential game changer. We will see what happens and how the numbers look.

Establish a baseline then move up from there.

This all is changing. If Leo is going to revitalize evergreen content, this alters everything.

I'm intrigued by the idea of rewarding content after seven days. This change can motivate bloggers to create quality content.

The price appreciation that occurred last month may only be a preview.

It is likely a preview. We will have to see what the numbers look like. A lot of things that can happen.

Very interesting. I have an idea for a kind of database on HIVE with some long term clicks potential. It is not related to finances so I guess will probably wait for other HIVE projects to copy this model.

Set up a community through the communities tab and then post into the community. This will then feed into the ad revenue from Leo.

I will definitely look into that. Thanks Taskmaster.

Good. We need more databases on Leofinance. Using communities or setting one up and then posting into it isa great way to do it.

I'm hoping to do the same between all sources, but mostly hoping for passive income to unlock me for other creative endevours without being worried over income.

When a person makes a target in his mind and then works on it day and night, success is sure to come the way you are doing it.

It uses the ad money to buy $LEO on the market and distribute it. So yes the payouts are in LEO.