
I was flabbergasted when I saw the video on YouTube, i never thought ai would actually come this far

Certainly a huge step forward. Very interesting how things are unfolding.

I am a believer in that we will all have personal AI assistants at some point. I just hope we have some that are open source.

Sure is 👍
Are they accepting AI assisted content on hive now ?

Depends upon what you mean as accepting.

Industries are being disrupted with AI development. What stood out for me on the video is the real time translation part. If GPT-4o becomes free for everyone, then it will establish a new standard for all other free AI chatbots. Exciting times ahead!

Yeah. That was a move that surprised me although it shouldnt. It is smart to open up what is being generated to as many people as possible. This can stimulate the network effort among users.

I was blown away when I saw the different videos and demos of the interactions. Initially it looked like a more advanced Alexa or Siri. But its speed and ability to converse on what's being shown live is leaps ahead. If anything, I even saw a lot of funny comments where people don't want to die anytime soon. The idea of AI and robotics is too cool for them, and want to experience it.

It does appear that way. We will see what happens when people start using them in the wild. I am not sure when it will be available to everyone.

wow ill have my personal assistant now

When it is released, we will have to see what agents get built. I would presume will take the initiative and do it.

i see ok then i will wait as usual. hows everything on your end