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RE: HIVE isnt only for creators // The investment side of things.

I think the upcoming opportunities are going to be in tokens on Hive other than HIVE.

Everything you just mentioned here applies to tokens created on H-E yet with varying power down times. The are ones with a 4 week power down.

We are only at the beginning of all these innovations that are coming out. While we are at it, there are also opportunities that are growing with NFTs. This is something that is arising in the Hive gaming community yet will likely extend past it.

A lot of opportunities in my opinion that are just getting started.

Unfortunately, the individual you were interacting with appears stuck in a mindset that is not likely to change soon. There are others who will be realizing what is taking place, probably after a boatload of money was made by people already involved in the Hive ecosystem.

As they say @lordbutterfly, you can lead a horse to water....

Thanks for your efforts in promoting Hive outside the ecosystem.

Posted Using LeoFinance


This is a very cutthroat industry and every little thing that can give us an edge counts. I would at this point be happy to revisit this discussion.
First the HF needs to happen, ofc.

Thanks for your efforts in promoting Hive outside the ecosystem.

Wer all doing our part. Dan was nice enough to sell me his delegation for couple months and ill be tracking how my curation does, sharing it on twitter. Regardless of the reduced powerdown discussion i still think we need to be sharing more info on the ROI potential here.