
AI is a big unknown for the future. Will it help more than hinder?

Technology historically has advanced society. Other than population growth, it is the other factor that is consistent in generating economic growth.

While there are some drawbacks, it overall, is a huge step forward.

Spam sucks but should we scrap email entirely because of it?

Obviously not.

I completely agree with you, on all points, very well pointed out!

AI will still needs human to give them direction... He could work on that skill.

Depends upon what things look like in a few years. The way things are going, a lot of that could be automated.

B-but our Jobs!!!!!!!

It's a bit depressing that AI will replace most programmers in less than 5 years, though.

Actually it is very exciting if anyone can program. There are some things that are going to require a "professional" yet most things will be done by most anyone.

That's true, professionals will always be needed!

Task as always so "optimistic". LOL