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RE: Being A Cryptocurrency Trailblazer Is Not Easy

If we no longer panic during bear markets... are we in the trailblazer mindset? :)

Maybe not a trailblazer but experienced in markets. LOL

Being able to weather what arises with calmness is a key trait. Market fluctuations are to be expected. Getting upset over them when they are known is not sound practice.

Building is a way to alleviate the ups and downs of markets.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Being able to weather what arises with calmness is a key trait. Market fluctuations are to be expected. Getting upset over them when they are known is not sound practice.

I think it's just a matter of going through enough of them. I don't even flinch anymore. That being said, it sucked really bad when we were way down the last time for multiple years. If that ever happens again I won't be leaving the space like I did last time.

If that ever happens again I won't be leaving the space like I did last time.

Success is counter-intuitive, probably why most people fail to achieve it.

Down times are the best times to build. People want to do it during the bull runs yet, by then, it is too late. The numbers are working against one.

With the bear, the herd thins out. As you learned, the time is best used to build and grow.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta