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RE: Leo Talk 5/9/21 - Come Join Our Chat (Part 1)

I would say the UK is screwed, especially London. It is another overpriced city that is going to suffer the consequences.

One advantage in the UK is that I dont know the land situation. In the US we have plenty of it meaning there are a lot of placed for people to move. This is something that technology and the work from home idea is going to bring to the forefront.

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The UK has gone through a tough time for sure because of covid. I agree with what you said about the US and UK difference in terms of place and space.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Looking at the map, I think our country is just about the right size which helped fuel massive growth in the last century. I was reading that Russia for instance, has problems shipping items from the populous west to the more sparsley populated east. If the US were the size of South Korea, we'd face limits on exports as we might not be large enough to have the resources for it.

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If the US was the size of South Korea, that would make it one big city with 320 million people stacked on top of each other.

Resources are becoming more abundant as technology progresses. That is what is cool about things such as vertical farming, 3-D printing, and other technologies that are decentralizing things. It removes the hassle of having to move products especially food, around. Plus with the ability to do things online through crypto, we are going to see a lot of things change in the workplace.

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