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RE: Is PSYBER X the next groundbreaking blockchain game on Hive?

There were some accusations about the legitimacy of this project.

Did you look into this? I believe @ecoinstant did a post about it.

Just curious as to what is going on. Hope it is legit.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Here is that post for anyone who wants to look at the concerns

From my part I think that @psyberx has so far done the right thing and learn to take criticism in stride - it seems to me like their intentions are to produce a game. Caveat Emptor as always, but I get more excited about it the longer they interact and build on HIVE.

I looked over @ecoinstant posts and simply saw an article about Hive keys and some other Psyber X reblogs. Nothing alarming from his side as far as I see...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta