

If there's one thing we can say that you're not, it's flaky :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hmm got you fooled. LOL

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Was a bit confusing for me for a moment lol

Confused me too.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


My coding skills leave a lot to be desired.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Your level of euphemism mastery is remarkable!

Imagine all people would be IT Devs. The next James Bond would be an anime character, Coffee & Cola would be the best-performing Stocks, Gyms would all transition into the Metaverse and Russia vs Ukraine would be dealt with inside of World of Tanks.

Imagine all people would be IT Devs.

It might be moving in that direction. With some of the self generating coding, it could be getting close to where anyone can generate code.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, I saw some videos on that. Isn't it amazing?

Personally, I think computers/programs lack the will to embrace chaos in a way that it becomes creational. In other words, they can perform a perfect tango but still are bad dancers.

We will see where it all goes but it is fascinating, if not a bit scary.

But a lot of that is Hollywood.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta