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RE: Leo Talk 5/9/21 - Come Join Our Chat (Part 1)

LOL in part, maybe.

Actually he is very technical which is great. However, some of his concepts are haphazard and not tied together. My sense is he puts together ideas on the fly, which is great. So they appear in "rough draft" form. Some he keeps working upon, others die off.

But he is constantly thinking about this stuff which is great.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


LOL in part, maybe.


One thing I like most about is that he keeps questioning the system and throwing out ideas to make it better. Especially when it comes to Hive.

Seems like he has a decent amount of experience in this space and spent years to achieve what he has now. It's cool. Maybe one day I will start understanding what he means. 🤓

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta