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RE: It Is Time For Leofinance To Reveal The True Name Of #ProjectBlank

Khal should tell us if there is a reason why the name of the app is kept secret.

That might be the case. There might be a valid reason for it. However, my sense is that is not the case judging by his comment in this article. He obviously saw it. If there was a legit reason, he could simply leave it as a comment.

unless this is the idea. If the project is talked to death for a couple of months, by the the time it's released it becomes old news and nobody will care or react to the launch announcements and marketing

If that was true, companies would never pre-pave or premarket things. Yet we see it all the time.

And the idea is to get optimization, not get a thousand articles per day talking about it. The reality is we have very little info about the application since it is being development. So the writings will be general in nature.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta