
Yeah but is it truly decentralized? This is not a swipe at the current top twenty Witnesses or anything but lets look at a few things.

Some of those top twenty could be multiple accounts owned and operated by the same person or group of people.

Most of them do not put their real name or face on things. I am not saying that they should but it does not provide transparency or a means of accountability.

I fully doubt that there is enough available stake to unseat even a handful of those Witnesses let alone all of them if the need arose to do so.

The top twenty Witnesses do have a form of control of the network.

Again that is not a swipe but simply observations and one that I am wholly willing to be corrected on if I am off on any (or all) of them.

To start, decentralization is a direction in my view, not a destination. Are we heading in the direction of being more decentralized is the question? We have a distribution mechanism that allows for people to enhance their holdings.

As for the top 20, that can be done rather easily. A lot of HIVE on the open market. People simply need to buy and power up. Not a sexy answer but that is how it can be altered.

Of course, under an attack, there is always the fork option.

Are we heading in the direction of being more decentralized is the question?

That is assuredly the real (and most important) question.

Sorry (not sorry) but I tossed my rose tinted glasses and kid gloves out at the turn of the new year. Which is to say that I am exerting maximum candor.

I want to see Hive persevere and be... not only what it can be but what it is supposed to be.