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RE: Leo Talk 5/9/21 - Come Join Our Chat (Part 1)

With rug pulls and all that stuff, I dont see the need to assume more risk. It is probably fine but that is always the case, until it is not. Plus there are only so many resources to go around. I am still filling my bags of other things.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Totally agree. I'm all in on defi with Cub. It either works or it doesn't but at least it will happen on it's own merits rather than a team of scammers. Personally, I think it's going to work in a huge way. All it will take is some time. And, the longer it stays below the radar, the more bags I fill. Perfectly happy waiting and filling bags until they hit the mainstream radar....

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah people need to remember that it is less than two months old. And the new developments are really going to help a great deal. As long as it is off the radar, I am happy. Get the price down as low as it can be so that we can load up.

That is my view anyway.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta