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RE: Decentralization: Trust In A Trustless World

Nigeria is a country that certainly knows exactly what I am referring to here. I should have mentioned it in the post.

Interacting with people such as yourself over the past few years has clarified the perspective we are discussing. It is one thing to buy into what is being doled out until you chat with someone who heard the same crap and was burned.

As mentioned, the list of countries just keeps getting longer. Those who fall victim to operating in their own "mental vacuum" oblivious to what is going on outside of that are going to be in trouble.

Americans tend to be very inner focused, not looking at much of the rest of the world. This is one of the things that is making them blind to what is taking place. I know you all in Nigeria can look at the situation and see where it is heading because you lived it.

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We have definately lived it and it affirms posts about happenings that takes place in African countries especially Nigeria. I wouldn't really blame America as the political setting makes it really possible to hide economic facts and happening away from the hawk eyes of other countries but then its pathetic. The government robs the people in broad daylight with control Schemes all over and I believe its left for us here individually to get enlightened.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is starting to happen here. Like you said, passing laws in broad daylight to rob people.

They are going to stop paying the system eventually.

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