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RE: What is going to drive demand for HIVE?

  1. Resource Credits
  2. Governance
  3. DeFi**

As you mentioned, the number of users to push this up is a lot, but that is a driver. While 10,000 accounts transacting doesnt do much, 10x of that, which isnt that huge for an online platform.

Governance is glossed over but if projects have a lot of value, those who have stake in it will also what to have a great deal of say over the base layer. A lot of this might come from the business owners of the DApps that are created.

**If a smart contract layer is formed like Blocktrades is discussing, then we could see a similar situation with some DeFi starting on Hive. This will likely mean that all liquidity pools will require HIVE in addition to whatever DeFi token.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Ok, so if it's going to take hundreds of thousands (or millions) of users showing up to just begin to move the needle in terms of resource credits impacting the price of HIVE, how do we get those users to show up exactly?

3Speak is already working on something according to their last video.

DApps also have to do their own outreach programs. What was built has not pulled in new users to their platforms, let alone hive.

It is one thing to build a DApp, but the leaders of those projects do not seem to be applying simple business principles that lead to growth.

I think a bigger question to be asking is why arent the DApps on Hive growing like normal businesses seek to do?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea, that is a very good point. It's a multi-pronged issue.