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RE: My first LeoFinance post

It is something we are making a conscious effort to have as a core part of the platform. There is the Initiative of 10 which is where people agree to put up 10 comments per day.

This is to stimulate engagement with other authors. There is a report that comes out on Monday which details much of what happens during the previous week on Leofinance including the top 10 commenters and how many were done in totality.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I love it!! This will encourage those who really want exposure to be rewarded for genuine efforts. Thanks for the tip and I will definitely be taking the time to read articles and comment with positive vibes!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is a great way to learn, get followers, and have some good interaction.

By the way, it doesnt hurt that we have a system where upvotes are voted quite frequently which is a nice bonus.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta