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RE: Leo Talk 5/9/21 - Come Join Our Chat (Part 1)

Yankees, Cowboys, Raiders, and Lakers are probably the best in American sports from the profit perspective.

Plus, they are about the best team money can buy in baseball.

Going on 12 years without a championship so I would say there were a lot other other teams that were better. LOL

Actually that title goes to the Dodgers the last 5 years or so. They outspent the Yankees by a fair margin over that time.

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Yes I guess I'm still stuck in the Yankees hey-day of a decade or so ago. Ah, those were the days to be a Yankee fan. A bag of shelled peanuts, a beer and a Yankee game made many a great Saturday afternoon for my friends and I.

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They still make a ton of money so from that perspective you were spot on. So if I was going to hold baseball tokens, it would be the Yankees probably over everyone else.

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