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RE: Results of the 3rd votation on Weekly Dividends

It is very interesting to see how the smaller accounts carried much of the vote. That is great and shows how each LBI token holder does have impact upon what is taking place.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Basically, five holders between 1-99 LBI (max LBI would be about 495 LBI) can match the vote of another user with +10K LBI... with the 4,95% of his holdings.

Like everything, it has its pros & cons.

  • the most obvious pro is that small user's matter = more decentralization when making decisions.

  • the most obvious con is that most engaged users in terms of % of holdings can see his vote diluted and feel 'exhausted' if the general direction doesn't fit their expectations.

Not bad or god per se. So far have been working nicely :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta