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RE: Daily Crypto Markets Live Blog: Happy Bitcoin Legal Tender Day (09/07/21)

Question for everyone:

Who gets under your skin more: Bitcoin or Ethereum maximalists?

They are both annoying but at least the Bitcoin people have the store of value on their side.

The Ethereum people do not seem to realize all the obstacles they have in their way.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Definitely the Ethereum people. They talk like paying $100, $200, even $300 or more in fees is nothing to be bothered with. It's a very narrow-minded group. Bitcoin people at least have some decent logic behind their convictions. The vast majority of the tokens out there are NOT really very decentralized. Ethereum included. There is still third-party risk on almost all of them.

I'm not a maximalist because I see the value of these other tokens and feel like they will eventually get some of these things solved, but the Ethereum people act like they don't even exist. It's THEIR smart-contracts that are being exploited on these rug-pulls. It's not necessarily Ethereum's fault, but they are certainly not doing anything to help stop them. They just keep collecting the fees and let the defi world fend for itself.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Honest answer: Nobody.
I hate coins which are pumped through celebs or coins which lack use case.
I have read a lot about ETH, only thing that is against them is Mining, the moment they drop the miners 100% from network, they will become strong like avalanche (AVAX) and it'd be really hard to stop ETH from being part of a strong use case.

We as you said , both are annoying but for me the most annoying ones are Shibu and Doge maximalists here in India .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Are they that bad there? I am guessing a ton of them are followers of Elon Musk too.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't think about either, but to answer the question I will pick ETH maximalists. At least BTC maximalists can point to 21M BTC and the price of BTC (especially as it reaches new ATHs). I'm not sure what ETH maximalists can brag about since ($$$ > code).

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Bitcoin (BTC) maximalists along with HIVE maximalists. Both are annoying and ignore reality. Sort of like the TRUMP cult and the LEFTWING cult. The blind leading the blind.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I believe the ETH maximalists are worse. I know a lot less ETH maxis than BTC maxis but they are still twice as annoying. That says a lot

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well I would have to say ETH even though both are annoying. I would agree that BTC does have store of value but ETH might also have that with all the burns.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta