

  • Charging stations aren't as plentiful the way gas stations are for internal combustion vehicles.
  • Charging also takes too long, with the "quick" charging lasting around 30 minutes.
  • Bang for the buck. Despite the time it takes an electric vehicle to get charged, the range covered when fully charged is less than that for a gas-powered vehicle.

A hybrid vehicle solves the problems associated with refueling/recharging.

With an electric vehicle, you're more likely to be stranded on the highway after the battery charge is near 0%. When that happens, the hybrid can switch into gas mode to finish the trip.

Until the refueling/recharginf problems are fixed, there will be room for hybrid vehicles.

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That is true although I am not sure there is much range anxiety anymore. Instead I think the fact people charge at home and can do it overnight reduces a lot of that.

You could be right although with the roll out of technology, by the time these hybrids hit the market, the problems you mentioned will be solved.

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I'm seeing more Tesla vehicles every day, and then there are the electric vehicles made by companies such as Toyota and Chevolet.

I live in the city, and it beats me how people charge their electric cars. I've never seen an electric car getting charged, so I've never seen what they're conneced to as they chharge.

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A lot of charging stations spread out around towns and cities.

The first one I remember seeing was at a public library here in town. That had to be 5 or 6 years ago when it first appeared, maybe more.

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I have no idea... it dosnt make a lot of sense to me but then again I'm not really into the automotive industry so I could be missing somthing

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I think so. When my brother got a hybrid, he got quite a few government rebates for doing so. The problem I see is that the mileage isn't exactly the greatest.

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Yeah it isnt exactly a step forward in their quest to reduce dependence upon fossil fuel.

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