
I don't mind if they move to the blockchain so long as they don't bring their politics with them. I can't really bring myself to watch the more recent movies and shows with them shoving their views in front of me. Also the journalist needs to change otherwise I don't exactly trust news about what is actually going on.

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I don't mind if they move to the blockchain so long as they don't bring their politics with them.

LOL that isnt about to happen. They live for their politics and are part of the programming arm for the agenda pushers.

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I can only hope so. The content they have been making and pushing makes me feel like avoiding them all together.

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I dont even have television. If I want something I go online and find it.

Rarely go to anything mainstream like a show or big time film. Missed most of the "blockbusters" the last few years.

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Very true, for both.
Hollywood is a shit show and it started years back. Damn I missed those good movies from the 80’s. I can’t enjoy much movies now to be honest.

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Hard to find good movies or shows.

The ones that start out good cannot help but to turn sour. They begin with a neutral stance on their shows but then push their politics into it heavily.

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