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RE: Leo Talk 4/29/2021 -Come Join Our Chat

This is a very interesting topic. They are right, the productivity gains are not there.

One of the reasons is the debt level is consuming more resources that should go to productive companies. But more of the total is servicing debt.

We also see a lot of bullshit technology. The app revolution was great but do we really need another messenger program.

The third thing is, believe it or not, there is not enough money out there. People do not realize how hungry the technology development bear is and how it needed to be fed.

Finally, we were in a 20 years cycle, that dates back to the 1860s, we the technological impact upon society is not felt. That will not be the case the next 20 years.

Oh one other thing, the concepts that were used in the past as metrics are no longer applicable. We have GDP which is slowed, in part due to near 10% of the American economy being under IT.

We also can add in that construction, in most developed countries is below the historic trend lines.

What are your thoughts?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It sure is interesting but I think it has been caused by the internet. We spend quite a bit of time on the phone or online instead of working.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

LOL well that is true although I will say that is probably a good thing since most of the jobs that we see, especially new ones created, are total bullshit anyway.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh one other thing, the concepts that were used in the past as metrics are no longer applicable

I think this is an important factor of the equation. The concept of work is changing a lot and we may need new metrics, KPIs and what not to better reflect the new reality.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

at least we're being productive writing comments :P

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

LOL good point

we should use that metric instead

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We need @amr008 to play around with GPT-3 and a script and see if he can set up an auto commenting function.

Imagine if we could unleash that on Hive.

Might improve the numbers some.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Lol. Fake activity and replying back for those who want a bot I guess.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

not sure what auto commenting would look like

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta