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RE: Leo Talk 5/9/21 - Come Join Our Chat (Part 1)

Okay everyone. We have only a couple hours left on this Sunday. It was a poor day overall. Not that surprising considering it is the weekend.

However, let's have a kickass Monday. It is usually our most productive day. Let's get a ton of top line comments going early on so those who show up later have a lot to get involved with.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I have to go shopping soon so I guess I might be a little bit late. It depends on what happens and how long it takes. It does suck that we didn't manage to get 500 comments today but it is Mother's day.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I almost forgot about 'Mother's Day' until I saw posts popping up on Hive Feed. :D

It reminds me of the days how FB used to help me remember wishing my friends on their birthdays.

We should have such a feature on one of the front-ends, maybe on peaked!! Great for community building.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Monday is the bomb! I am ready for it.

It has a "Go get it" vibe to it. A fresh start to the week.

Let's crush it, people!!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta