
How effectively can governments control inflation? Could they do more? Do they lack competence or is it due to conflicting interests that they are often unable to control it?

What do you mean by inflation? What is the definition you are using?

Like increasing prices, cost of living and so on. Media usually refers to it as inflation although I'm not sure it's the best terminology.

Rising prices are rising prices. Inflation is expansion of the money supply. What is the inflation of $HIVE? When yousee that, do you think of prices?

That makes a lot more sense. The news always link rising prices to inflation as if they were the same thing but now I see they are not

No the term was hijacked. Inflation is money supply expansion. Price go up for many reasons, money might be one of them...but might not.

I'll miss the first few minutes but will try to jump on as soon as I can

Can you tweet out the linnk to the spaces?

Is there a theme today?

Does inflation affect money saved at bank or crypto staked on wallet. If yes, how? If No, give reasons

Just joined... could be on my end but I don't seem to be getting any audio

Just sent out a new twitter link. had to set up a new spaces

We will be starting in about 40 minutes.

Here is the link for everyone:

Am there but can't hear anything.

Okay, now I heard you. Starting over in 5 minutes. Got it.

Yes hopefully people tune in. Could you retweet the new link for spaces?

Good show! I thought I had submitted my question but only realized I hadn't at the very end

We are still tryinng to work out the kinks in it system.