
I thought everyone here is a lioin O.O. doesn't that mean we are all watching

Many are asleep or busy.

ya true i fall under the busy :(

Make threading a priority and your wallet will thank you.

What do you mean O.O. you telling me my threading will make me a millionaire

Could be although I think you need to make a lot more threads.

But do 100 million threads and you might be a millionaire.

O.O but i have made a lot of threads I felt :(

I hope it's the right lion.

Is there a wrong lion?

If you're a lion, you are NEVER wrong.


Then I am not a lion because I am wrong at times.

But sshhh, dont tell anyone I will deny it.

a lion observes before attack, that's how how real men should be

Real men? Getting hard to find.

Hahaha, just joking

I wasnt. They are getting hard to find especially in the west.

Hahaha...I'm from the west, well we still exist sha

Hahaha, just joking

The King himself.... Leo Lord of all...
