
Amazing, Also music videos were very different that long ago. You can make better ones with the technology that's in your hand

Yeah although I dont think music videos are as interesting anymore. They were the rage in the 1980s with MTv.

90s also Video Hits every Sunday morning

Yeah. They were around a while. VH1. MTV Classics. A lot of channels but they all moved away from videos.

i remember the cassette tapes, 2 sides - 4 to 6 songs per side.

Then came the MP3 age, where you can burn 100+ songs on CD and play on a CD.

now you get everything online and most free to listen and watch.

Yep. That is a small example of how the world changed. People need to step back to see how things were in actually and how much has changed.

People use to spend thousands of dollars on music. Now, even if you want to pay, it is about $15 per month.

All the technology suffered that in the last 30 years... computers hardware and software it is crazy how it evolved.

o.o good times good times. what i mean is no. now is the good times :D

And who knows? Maybe "Leo Music" will be an actual option in the left navigation menu!

Maybe. Cant speak for the development of the UI since I have no direct impact. I can only put out ideas and harass the daylights out of #khaleelkazi.

Unfortunately, he is adept at ignoring me.

Well, keep harrassing! He lives inside the mind of a developer, more than the mind of an end user. I worked in usability at a Fortune 500 tech OEM, and the "base question" was: Can your mom make sense of this?

and it's going faster and faster... there's no telling what will happen in 40 years' time!

The only think I can say is the advancement over the next 40 years will be orders of magnitude higher than the last 40. Only those who are old enough to remember what life was like understand how it was really an analog world.

The point we are starting at today is so much higher. Anyone who forecasts out, with technology, more than a decade or so is just talking smack. The reality is we can project maybe 10 years but, after that, it gets really cloudy.

So yeah, who knows what things will look like in 2 decades.

i agree with you! i was little in the 90's but i remember how different everything was and how evolution was slower than today!

It most certainly was. That said there were a lot of breakthroughs in the 1980s and 1990s that completely changed society. We didnt see that in the 2000s and 2010s. Other than mobile, not much changed in the way we operated.

That will not be the case by 2040. We will see the 2020s and 2030s as a time of massive societal shift.

and it's already started! it's not global yet but the social changes are already beginning to show signs... I believe that in the next 10 years we will see changes in the global economy and in the balance of power in the world that have rarely been seen in human history...
The US losing more and more space... a hegemony like theirs losing power is something rare that has happened very few times in our history!

Technology is changing things and hive is changing lives😃. Thing will continue to change.
Weldon Task.