
Sounds like you need to power up more..

I do daily and still nuke it. Seems like threads is addicting.

They shoulda called it CRACK instead..

See, We will fill up Adult Threads no problem.

Plenty of crack addicts here.

Maybe I need to schedule breaks each day and watch porn.

Wow how?

There were just too many, too good threads made by us 😉

Yes I really agree with that.

Good might be a stretch but I vote them anyway.

Haha! 😂

Voting Voting and more voting.

Thank you for voting us.

What is the percentage you consider nuked?
I'm at 66%, is that nuked enough?

To me that is overnuked. I am at 81% and still about 10 hours left in my day.

I thought so. Have to wait to get it 75ish

I urge you to continue...

You are not nice at all

I agree with you. It's like offering beer to an alcoholic. 😀

You are right. 🤣

He doesn't need to be offered a beer, he's the beer himself

😅 Perhaps!

😈 I know...

I sense you are coming from a place of self interest and this comment is not motivated by altruism.

Sorry to disappoint you but I am greedy too 🙃

Perhaps a good habit in disguise.

We want more of such bad habit

How can you encourage a bad habit, that's not nice 🤣

"don't do that" in Zealy quest voice

"don't do that" in Zealy quest voice

Zealy quest still available?

No, not for now.

Are boobs a good habit or bad habit?

Boobs again?

But we weren't talking about boobs here 😂

Since you asked, it's a good thing.