
Lots of features to bring people in and keep them around

Yeah. It is interesting to see a bit of what is planned. The debugging is still the primary focus and for good reason. But lots of feature updates after that.

Exciting to see. We are only 23 days into the UI being in beta.

Hehehe.. this is interesting and I am eager to see what this place will look like then.

We all are. It is going to be exciting to what unfolds. I cant wait to see the impact of what is planned.

You are right. Many things will change. ManyMany projects will join LeoFinance

I dont know if other projects will join.

the only thing we will still have is all the weirdos like you and me

Yeah weirdos never change. We are relics from the past.

well, one of us is a relic LOL

Yeah. The one without the tattoos.