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RE: LeoThread 2023-05-10 12:23

Interesting fact:

Sudan has more pyramids than any country in the world

#facts #info


Oh wow, I had no idea

Leothreads will make you smarter.

I agree with this.

Interestingly it is Egypt which attracts all the tourists in the name of Pyramids

I would never have guess Sudan. Egypt would have been my answer but I guess the most recognized is not the most.

that is very true I guess Egypt has been marketing it way better than Sudan

Sudan might be better off if it got some of the Egyptian traffic.

You are right, time to hire a marketing team.

I hope the pyramids will still be standing after they are done fighting themselves.

The pyramids are fighting? Why are they doing that? And what do they do, throw stones at each other?

Lol, iconic buildings get destroyed in war and conflicts, my hope is that those pyramids don't get destroyed.

Yeah well that is what we do as human; blow shit up.

Huh? I always thought Egypt had the most pyramids

It seems like that would be the answer. That is why you come to Leothrads, to learn.

Yep, it’s a great place to learn.

this seems random. Is there like a random fact generator. then we can post these on threads

Yeah it is called search engine. Go look for whatever you desire.

Maybe I will take this strategy to increase the thread count :P

Not a bad idea. It is a good way to stimulate some conversation.

Really! I always thought it was Egypt, thank you so much for the update.

That is the popular answer.

Yes and it's a good thing you shared the real answer, I made research and I found out Sudan has over 200 pyramid while Egypt has less than 200, that is quite a gap.


Leothreads will make you smarter.

It is an education center.

I totally agree with you on that. I've learned something new today thanks to thread and thanks to you 😌

I thought same too