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RE: Daily Crypto Markets Live Blog: Cubfinance V2 Day #3 (09/22/21)

750 BTC? That is over $30 million based upon a $42K price.

If we hit $80K, that would be near $60 million. Not bad for a country of 6.5 million people and for a couple months return, if we get there.

That will open some eyes.

Of course, as @dagger212, perhaps the capital of El Salvador should just bring out a CityCoin. Mayor Suarez is pulling in like $2K every 10 minutes (24/7/365).

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I like the sound of "Bukelecoin" for this suggested city crypto. "San Salvador Coin" is a bit clumsy for speech and for print.

As for MiamiCoin, I wonder how many coin holders actually reside in Miami or work out of Miami? Mayor Suarez is a trail blazer showing us how it can be done.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea I heard they started with about 150 BTC and then close to the launch they had around 400 and now it seems they are over 700 BTC.

I imagine they're still buying the dip so who knows how much they will have in a couple of weeks

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