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RE: Hive has entered a really...really attractive area.

HIVE will some point. There is no way to tell when it will happen but nothing goes down forever as long as it doesnt go bust. Thus, if one doesnt thing Hive will disappear, then the token has value. Where the markets bottom out could be 10 cents (USD) or 5 cents. Who knows.

But your point is well taken, there is a time when the prices are to attractive. This is what causes bottoms. Perhaps you are the reversal indicator. You said you would never buy HIVE again yet you are thinking about it. If you are changing your mind, odds are others are looking at it also.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The cat will never buy hive again. I still believe it will be a 5 cent utility token. Stacking LEO, BTC, ETH instead. Steem/Hive burned me too many times before I realized it is just going to be a low price utility token. My opinion of course.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Cmon're killing me man...5 cents?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Perhaps you are the reversal indicator.

Remember that when/if HIVE starts mooning :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta