
I was sleeping also. Must have been someone else. @jongolson maybe

Could be although that slacker isnt likely online.

Hard to believe that

Your thread was the only one up there for hours. And rumor has it that you don’t sleep, maybe threads broke ths time cause you actually did sleep for real.

Welcome back from the dreamy world ser. Hope you didn’t buy any etf in your dreams…

Well that shows how sad threads really is. Why was it not moving for hours?

Perhaps it is because all are on X.

Yeah, it seems like activity has really ground to a near halt, not just on threads but on Hive overall. It's been a sad week in the neighborhood.

Perhaps it is because all are on X.

Maybe that’s what happened.

Nevertheless we’ve got to keep getting people engaged in here more than they do on X.

Moreover, Bradley was in his bat cave. Man’s got a lot on his hands these days.