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RE: Leo Talk 3/01/2021 -Come Join Our Chat

Cardano is an interesting project and I believe it can do some terrific things.

However, it still has some challenges and there is nothing on the chain as of now. That is why it is a buyer beware.

Of course, that is much of crypto....a lot of stuff with high market cap but really little happening other than hype.

At least with Hive we have things to show.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


@taskmaster4450le the keyword is "hype" are right,some cryptos gets their value via just hype and when the hype goes down then of course such crypto will go down in value too...

That was the ICO craze of a few years ago.

A lot of hype for the decentralized ____________ (fill in any Silicon Valley start up like Uber, Airbnb, etc...) only to fade away.

That is why Hive is so strong; it is still here churning out blocks with actual information in them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The hive ecosystem is really doing great for now


This year has been great for Hive . Lot of stuff happening , lots of projects being built . The new #projectblank will take Hive to the next level.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta