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RE: Cryptocurrency: Fending Off The Dystopian Renaissance

I tend to disagree. Yes the governments command a great deal money the likes of Facebook extend beyond the reach of physical borders. The US has global impact but the EU, not as much.

I think globally these countries wield more power than most of the governments we see. Zuckerberg who is not a stupid guy is becoming more obtuse with his behavior. I think he knows he can keep pushing the envelop and there is little governments can do. Bu the time they hold their hearings, have their lawsuits, and have their political grandstanding, his development makes whatever they were dealing with moot.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


To say that Facebook wields more power in people's lives than their government is simply a gross exaggeration. We're not living in Robocop, yet, where a single corporate entity has rendered the government moot. We're not even close. Not saying it's a scenario that can't come true. But we're simply not there.

Local and national governments are a powerful presence in our daily lives in countless ways that are impossible to avoid whereas Facebook is just an app you can delete from your phone any time you want without any repercussions whatsover.

I suspect Facebook and other apps like that are tools made use of by the US intelligence services. They're US based corporations that I suspect can be forced by the government to co-operate on national security grounds.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta