
As much as we want to reach 10K comments throughout LeoFinance this week, there is also this consideration: sometimes the best comment is the one not made.

Leo A: I have a question...
Leo B [to A]: Here's my answer...
Leo C [to B]: From what you said, I like blue.
Leo D [to C]: You like blue? I like blue!
Leo E [to D]: Me too!!

All of us have made comments such as Leos C, D, and E; that happens after a while.

Our goal should be to make more comments like those made by Leos A and B.

If we're going to make comments like Leos C/D/E, then we also need to add value to the comment. Maybe include a question. Maybe add an update or detail. Maybe bring up a point of consideration.

For each comment Leos C/D/E make like in the example, Leos C/D/E-- once again, all of us have done this-- should also make a comment following the example set by Leos A/B. This is all I am saying.

I don't want to cause trouble for anyone else here, but I'm not backing off this comment either. If this makes me the bad guy or the heel, so be it. I just want to see 10K of value-adding comments this week and every week. After we add value, then we can say whatever we want.

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I think you are absolutely correct, but again we need a meaningful conversation but that does not mean that we cannot have a casual conversation too.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Meaningful conversations can be done casually. Casual conversations can be done meaningfully. The two aren't mutually exclusive, and those weren't the situations I was talking about.

It didn't occur to me then when I made my comment, but there could be a way to keep the daily blog on the meaningful side: The "price of admission" is one top-level comment from each of us. We can make as many top-level commnents as we want, but we should each at least provide 1. This is where we provide a topic for discussion. This is where we add value to the daily blog.

After that "price of admission" is paid, then we're free to make whatever other comments we make (even if it's just an emoji or a picture).

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Without a doubt. Asking questions is a great way to start getting conversations going. It also provides very valuable information.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We also need to keep in mind that the comments we make aren't just for us. The comments we make are also for the benefit of people coming to this daily blog from a search engine results page.

They came looking for answers to whatever question they have. They need to see that even if we're having fun we can be informative, and even if we're being informative we can have fun. If they see that it's too stuffy in here, they may never return. If they see that we make comments which don't add value, they will never come back.

Striking the balance between being informative and having fun is a never-ending task for us.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We definitely need to make them focus on the issues, so there will be more participation. We should add things that will interest everyone. And I believe we will beat the 10K this week.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Like Basics of Finance?

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It can be anything legal that will interest people :)

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Yes, for that we need more people out here commenting

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"Basics of Finance" is a topic which never goes out of style.

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That's true, I can read Basics of Finance at any given day, again and again.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think, what we can do is to make people talk about their posts itself, in the comment like asking people to comment.

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