
I would love for more people to participate, and the more people we have, the stronger we will be.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I feel the motivation is lacking because people havent taken the ownership mindset. This is due to conditioning by society. Few take personal responsibility.

For that reason, it is up to us to pave the way. If people claim that 200 comments cant be done, we need dozens making more than that to remove the excuse.

People will give excuses while blaming everything else but themselves. If it is important enough, it can be done.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

In fact, this is about seeing opportunities and being self-confident.

Maybe if someone had asked me 3 weeks ago, I would have said it was very difficult. Now, when I dive deeper, I can see that it is both easy and its contribution to me is incredible. I think that many of them need to realize this and we should show it to them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The irony is the more engagement taking place, the easier it is for others to join in and engage.

This also creates a situation where more can be rewarded, seeing their wallets fill up.

Finally, it helps the entire platform which, in the long run, can kick off a greater network effect.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta