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RE: Cryptocurrency: Spurring Financial Innovation

All true and social media is just one aspect. We can easily add gaming to what you stated. On top of that, we see a host of other methods that are starting to come to light which will provide people with incomes, hopefully all decentralized or, at a minimum, built on decentralized blockchains.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The cryptocurrency sector is buoyed by the current macroeconomic conditions around the world. Many people are unemployed with their savings about to run out. It would stand to reason that a lot of people would welcome an additional stream of income from the comfort of their homes in the form of crypto earned on platforms like Hive. It's now so easy for those who can write or otherwise create interesting content that it is quite unbelievable.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is my view on things. Crypto that is received as a reward as opposed to requiring purchase is more apt to be used in my opinion.

For those who are out of work, and have time, getting involved in crypto in this manner seems to make total sense.

Why wouldn't one want to spend some time on a platform like Leofinance (Hive) as opposed to traditional social media and earn some money?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Why wouldn't one want to spend some time on a platform like Leofinance (Hive) as opposed to traditional social media and earn some money?

Perhaps because it is still easier to find engagement on mainstream platforms. But for those who can create content, a side income stream should be most welcome if they're struggling. It is no co-incidence that Venezuela has an outsized presence on Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta