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RE: The Age of Abundance: Cryptocurrency As Fuel For Massive Technological Development

A very interesting idea. Certainly it could work although I agree with you, the community is not ready for it. Actually, that isnt exactly the design of the DHF anyway. The DAO was slated for development and projects with a direct benefit to Hive.

Of course, we can take the process one step further. What if there was a DAO similar to the HIVE DHF that was established for cancer research? What if there was a community set up for that specific purpose? Through the tokenization process, a certain amount of be allocated to go to funding different research projects.

Through this process, it all would combine to enhance the value of everything. This is the network effect.

Read my latest post about CityCoin. Similar concept although dealing with municipalities instead of research grants.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


If you’re referring to a post you’ve put out in the last week or two I’ve already read it. I’ve read at lest two post you’ve dropped about Miami Coun and NYCC(?), but if you have a new one in the last day or two I have some catching up to do.

I’m fascinated. For all the things I can imagine this can grow into, I still can’t wait to see everything that’s beyond my current ability to even perceive. It feels like Christmas is coming for humanity. 😁

It is hard to see in the moment because things are scattered and going in many different directions. It all looks chaotic, like that is nothing cohesive taking place. Yet this is how complex systems form. If a forest is developing, you get no clear picture just looking at one tree growing. However, step back and see all that is taking place, especially periodically, and you notice the forest filling in.

Under my main account, just posted a new on an hour ago.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta