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RE: 1000X: Why I Am So Committed To Leo

However, my fear is that some of the other HIVE whales would disapprove and begin to massively downvote those forward-thinking upvoters, thus negating any possible positive PR that might arise, and turning it negative.

Been going on since the beginning. But then that is where the different tokens enter. Few Hive whales are big in other tribes. Right now, a lot are focusing upon the base layer, especially those of us who are here a long time.

However, as we can see from these numbers, there are people with LEO who could be, in USD terms, bigger than most on Hive if the numbers we are discussing hit.

As always the solution to a lot of Hive problems is more people. Leofinance aims to do that. I think #ProjectBlank will bring in tens of thousands of new users in a few months, ones that actually post to chain and not just custom JSONs.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta