Tesla And Inference Computing: Why It Can Be A Major Part Of The Ecosystem

in LeoFinance24 days ago (edited)

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When we look at AI, the focus tends to be on GPUs and Nvidia. This is valid since it is how neural networks are trained.

In this video I discuss the equally as important aspect of inference compute. It was something Elon Musk discussed on the last earnings call.

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I wonder how effective the Tesla EV will be in improving AI? Sure it can be good for their autopilot AI, but I wonder if it can easily translate into other AI training. Is the onboard computer powerful enough to make a difference? We know how powerful GPU are required in LLM training. Would the ones installed in the cars make a difference?

The computer on the vehicle doesnt do training. That is the neural net that does that.

It is inference where the vehicles enter. When not in use the computers can be used to process queries.

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great video, I appreciate you giving the details.

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