NFT 101: Things You Probably Never Knew About Making NFT Sales.

in LeoFinance2 years ago

"Selling your art as an NFT is easy, simply Sign up, mint your art and wait for your collectors"...if only it was that easy.

I got into NFT space quite late, when it got famous for crazy sales and when almost everyone had known about it.. my grandmother probably had minted her art before me...I was that late. But then, the whole crypto movement is still quite early if we're to look at things from a global point of view.

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So far, I've realised making sales as an artist goes beyond your talent to create art. Of course, the ability to create art is the primary skill needed for every NFT artist, communication skills, engagement, consistency, patience and dedication to one's craft are also quite important in when trying to sell you works as NFTs.

Some may begin making sales in just hours of minting their works while for some, if may take several months till the finally make a sale. Sometimes, people get lucky with making sales, but most times, sales come from several actions either already carried out before minting the works as NFTs or after.

Collectors also love to patronise an artist whose works appear to be valuable or rare. A 1/1 piece of art would most likely sell faster than a 1/20 piece. A reputation for creating duplications of art isn't very attractive and people tend to patronise those kinda arts and their creators much. Minting the exact same piece of art on another NFT platform is also a bad move. It reduces the value of the art and the artist. It kinda brings a curse to the artist and its really not a good idea.

Finally, Twitter is currently the meeting ground for collectors and artists. Your chances of making sales go higher if you're very active on Twitter. There are loads of NFTs spaces where artists get to interact, share their ideas and experiences while collectors lurk around to see which artists they would support next. It's crazy how people would make sales and some folks would think they just got lucky, well like I said, it could be luck, but luck is quite rare in the NFT space when trying to sell your art.


Great post. Exactly what was in my mind. I even would add some extras from my point of view.

  1. People mostly think they get rich by selling NFTs. For sure some get but mostly it's same pattern like art history... Most artist were not rich when living. They did it for the passion! After their death maybe their artwork went priceless up.... If you know what I mean?
  2. Art is one opportunity in the world of NFTs... And a lot of people are doing this little Pixel figures and only changing the glasses on the character or this really art or just a business concept? Let's think about it maybe...
  3. NFTs could be a lot... Music, short videos and NFTS can be the datas of a Patient. Some medical websites offering NFTs like a data secure file.

I think NFTs have a lot of potential if we are aware of it.

Great motivation your post is, rehived my dear. Have a great day

Thanks for adding to my points. NFTs aren't a get rich quick scheme, but can get you rich quick if only we are dedicated and consistent to our craft. People tend to lose hope when they don't meet things the way they expect. It is however important to keep creating as an artist and doing all it takes to get our names out there. Opportunities will always find us when we've done all the necessary work.

Soooo true. I think you would be a great teacher by the way. You explain things really good. Always a Big obrigada (thanks) to your for that. Let's keep on creating! The world is art so we are 🎨💪🏼🌍🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶💃💕🎉💯

Interesting and popular post @teesart. 🙂I jokingly published my collection- Game Of Bets at Opensea, I'm just wondering if anyone will ever buy something like that 💩 because I've seen different things being bought and sold there.


Thanks for checking it out, people have different interests these says and you would be surprised when someone buys your work. Just stick around and keep up the work. You'll definitely be noticed.

good points, I think you need to do a lot of promotion / networking etc. to actually sell something, often forgotten, being an artist is a lot of work besides creating the NFT.

Thanks for checking it out. Being an artist isn't very easy to be honest, you have to be talented as a creator and also as a marketer of your works.

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