Weekend Threading on INLEO is fun

in LeoFinance5 months ago

You know how crypto and Hive often seems rather quiet in the summertime (well the Northern Hemisphere), well that is often the same with Hive on the weekend.

To help combat this and create some engagement possibilities last year the folks at INLEO created the idea of having weekend threading mini contests.

Weekend threading contests are back on INLEO.

Well this weekend saw these mini contests return to threads and I joined them all.

There is still time to join in.

Win $LEO and HBD

Yes that is right, prizes of 50 LEO and HBD are up for grabs in each mini contest.

In addition to winning those prizes, you could be curated by other lions as well as leo.voter.

The best bit is that you may well end up talking to someone you have not engaged with before!

In my opinion unless you are a whale or been here for 5/6 or 7 years then Engaging on Hive is the way to go, and the way to get noticed too!

Being active, did I say it helps you stay active and gets you on the road to qualifying for those LeoAds and Evergreen rewards ?

What do the mini contests consist of?

First of all, and no shocks really, you make a thread on the INLEO threads platform answering the topic in one of the mini contests.

Where do we find them?

I will link them below, but lookout for a community post from your favourite community.

When do they run

So they are open as soon as the community posts them and close Sunday night at midnight.

We shall explore them all here (well briefly)

Olio di Balena-Inleo Weekend Threading Contest

These are always fun typically related to activities on Hive.

This weekend is no different and contest is here

Write a community thread in which you share the three activities you like to do most on Hive and explain why you chose them!

My entry ...

Any excuse to show my feathered friends!

Emotions & Feelings

A new one for me this time!

Post an unpublished photo of something new you've experienced or bought so far this year and relate it to a feeling by mentioning it first in your Thread

Get the full jist here

This was fun as I had bought a diary for this year for making a note of Hive and INLEO activities that I wanted to do!

Hive Learners Weekend Thread Contest

Learning is fun, right?

I think so, so I love seeing what the Hive Learners community come up with! Check it out here to see the full list of requirements

This weekend was no different...

Is there a place that you enjoy going to during the Winter (for North hemisphere members) or Summer ( for South hemisphere members)?

Well somewhere warm!

My entry ...

That was yesterday afternoon. I did read the contests as soon as they came out by the way!

Weekend Threading Mini Contest: Silver Bloggers # 14 - WE ARE BACK!!!

Oh yes we are and of course not being biased but this is my favourite because Super Eli @coquicoin-leo does it all for our Silver Bloggers community.

The topic was simply Our View...

Well again on Saturday I knew what I was going to show her!

Here we go, my entry ...

The heart is actually a new steel sculpture and well over 2 metres I would say about 8 feet in height, more pics to come!

Cross Culture Weekend Threads

This one I saw the heading and the clue was in there ... you can find it here

What is the most popular foreign food in your country?

Food hehe I love my food and having worked or visited 69 countries I know what I like too!

the answer in the UK is Indian ...

My entry

Win a Premium account for 1 month just by making a post using InLeo

Do you know there 100 yes 100 Premium accounts up for a month up for grabs.

To be in with a chance of winning one of these accounts you need to do a couple of things...

  1. Write a post between now and the end of January
  2. Write it and publish it with the InLeo front end / UI like I am doing now!

So for people like @eylz619 and @beckyroyal it is a chance to try out a different front end.

I am not going to go on too much about the perks or advantages of having a premium account except to say read Win InLeo Premium for a month! and you will see that

The features of having InLeo Premium are:

Orange checkmark next to your username
Enhanced Curation on Your Blog Posts made through InLeo
Priority in "For You" feeds
Edit threads after you post them
Add Bold, Italic and other "Markdown Styling" to your threads
Publish longer threads
Bookmark Folders

All ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo unless otherwise stated, note lead image is generated with AI on pixlr .com from a prompt by me.

## **
### **Haste Ye Back!**
@tengolotodo.leo January 28th 2024

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Hi @tengolotodo.leo,
Thank you for participating in the #teamuk curated tag. We have upvoted your quality content.
For more information visit our discord https://discord.gg/8CVx2Am

I must confess boss boss, this is juicy and finger licking good.

I missed the mini threads stuff but I'll surely submit a post via inleo front end to participate.

Thank you for the tag and huicy info boss boss. Stay awesome.

The wee mini thread contests are fun Becky!

You can do it ...

Yes I can, thank you

Today is the last day to your post with InLeo to win a months premium

interesting contest I must say to help take off the boredom experience on weekends. Did you say you've travelled to over 69 countries? Wow! Would love to have this experience. About the Leo premium is it only activated from the beginning of every months?

Yeah 69 countries I was surprised when I added them all up! Had to use more than one passport at times as some countries would not let you in when you had a visa stamp from other countries.

Premium starts as soon as it is activate and lasts for a month in duration not from the beginning of the month!

Wow! And wow!! Again. You must have lots of experience and story to tell. Would you mind listing the 69 countries?

Thanks also for the premium update

and i haven't finish my post yet huhuhu and i'm trying :D and this weekend threading sounds fun... 😍

You can do it Elyz and yes the threads is always fun, it is like noise too... Eli does the Silver Bloggers contest so Ishall get her to push you too ... hehe what do you say @coquicoin 🤣

hahaha of course after reading your post... I clicked @coquicoin weekend threading for the Silver Bloggers... 😅 so yes... got something to look forward :P

hehe you can of course thread at any time not just the weekends!
There is me harassing you to write and I have not written on either account today 🤣

hahahaha I've written a thread yesterday since I can't finish the long one

She must join next weekend for sure, hehe!! Right, sis @eylz619?