
Yes I later fell asleep, I'm feeling a bit better today.

How is your Wednesday going partner?

My Wednesday was a day to forget but am glad that you were feeling a bit better partner :)

Really! But why was it a day to forget, what happened?

Yes partner, I'm so happy I'm feeling a lot better now, I'm so grateful to God for his goodness.

oh football hehe we lost but I was expecting it!
Oh good you are feeling better I am happy about that!

Oh dear, I hope it gets better next time because I don't want you to forget any day 🙂.

Yes, I'm happy too 🥰🥰.

What are your plans for today partner?

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Well finally I have a day where I don't need to do anything and it is raining so I will be home all day partner. I might get round to some writing or just hiving and chatting, what about you?

That's awesome partner, I hope you enjoy your day at home and I think Hiving and chatting is not a bad idea at all.

For me, I will be going to the Mao today to get some groceries for soup so I won't be so active later in the day.

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