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RE: Leo Talk 6/22/21 - Come Join Our Chat

in LeoFinance3 years ago

This is a cool development in robotics. I didn't know this but apparently, some robots don't deal very well with transparent and reflective surfaces, making them not very suitable for settings such as kitchens. Toyota Research Institute has developed a new training method to try and overcome that limitation.

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So in other words, robots are no smarter than birds with windows. Not very promising...

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AI overall is not very smart. We are still basically watching more data combined with greater computational power.

So to believe we are close to "intelligence" is misleading.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's true... we don't even have a universally accepted concept of what intelligence really is

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I am interested in why they are looking into it. Is it because they want to have working AI systems for cold places?

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One of the reasons they presented is to aid aging people on regular house stuff such as cleaning, moving objects around and stuff like that.

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I had this issue with my robot vacuum cleaner. It didn't seem to do well on black floors.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Really? Interesting
I don't have one of those but I was thinking about getting one... I better have to check if it would have any issues with my floor then!

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