
I think @trumpman had some success with BAT. He may have some ideas. Even for him, though, it took a long time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have dumped it all 🌝😆

I have dumped it all 🌝😆

It's official-- no one wants BAT!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea I don't really seeing much use for it besides placing ads. Not useful for normal people to hold.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The promise of BAT came from its use as a tipping token, but it's such a hassle to earn BAT in the first place. If BAT moved to a different "mining" or distribution model (like the way Ecency rewards users of its front-end in various ways), then I would reconsider my opinion of BAT. If BAT did as a token what Ecency does with points, I think that would be a game changer for BAT. Until then, BAT is too limited.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta