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RE: I stepped on my ego and completely rebuilt my portfolio

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I can't subscribe to you putting 75% of your eggs into any single basket, unless it's Bitcoin. I'm seeing a lot of DOT in the comments, and it's a winner: a layer 2 Ethereum killer with parachains and a killer test protocol in Kusama (KSM)... another winner. Other Polkadot darlings I like are ChainX (PCX) and Edgeware (EDG). And MantraDAO (OM) is a good value play for the next run, although it underperformed during this past one.

Value is tough to call in most cases right now. Stick with the fundamentals and pick what you believe in... then you can be less anxious about the short-term volatility.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


If UNI dips back to $10 I'm all in. Old gambling habits never die...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta