Bear Markets, Thrifting and Reselling

I've been mainly living off crypto trading for the last couple of years. It's been great, but at times it gets a bit stressful. As I've stated in previous posts, I'd really like a side hustle to have more income flowing during the bear cycles of the crypto market. This takes off some of the pressure and also keeps me from dipping into my trading nut for gas, food, and other living expenses.

My cousin started reselling a few months ago and encouraged me to give it a try. I have to say, it seems like it would beat a real job! Anything but a real job. It's not that I don't like to work, or that I'm lazy... Well, maybe a little lazy... Honestly, I just don't want to rejoin the rat race. I've done it in the past, and frankly, I didn't like it! 9 to 5 cubicle life making somebody else rich is not for me anymore.

So I've been researching and learning. Today I went thrift store shopping and actually had a blast.


You come across some really interesting and sometimes funny stuff. The shirt below really cracked me up. I thought about buying it and probably should have. The image share was a big hit on Twitter with the fishing crowd. I just started reselling though, and I wasn't sure where I'd sell this. I'd hate to get an indecency strike on my first listings. 🤣 IDK if they do that, but I didn't want to find out.

I thought about buying this, but didn't.

I have to admit though, so far, this is something I might actually enjoy doing. It's fun looking at all the different stuff you come across. You never really know what you'll find. Plus, I like buying used stuff, it's very anarchist and a great way to support your local community. I found this great fluffy pillow that matches my couch perfectly. The comforter on the end is to keep the cat from scratching it :(


I actually started shopping or sourcing products yesterday. Between yesterday and today, I spent roughly $50. I also have a bunch of stuff from around the house that I no longer need. Next up is to try and sell this stuff. I'm not being greedy, I'd be really happy simply doubling my investment. If I can sell most of the stuff I bought, and simply double my money it will be enough to continue my efforts.

I'll probably toss a few hundred more at it to make a real effort and try out different products too. I'm sure there is a learning curve. I plan on putting in a real effort over the next 6 months to see how things go.

I also thought it would be a fun blog series to see how well I do or fail at it. So I'll probably be posting a bi-weekly or monthly reseller report on what's working and what isn't. I'll also keep you all informed about my wins and losses. Who knows, maybe even a 3Speak on reselling in the future.

Regardless, I'm just getting started and looking forward to getting this off the ground. I'll make sure to do some regular updates to let you all know how things progress.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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I'm curious as to how you live off of crypto :)

Mainly trading and squirreling away enough cash during the bull runs to survive until the next bull cycle.

I trade very little during the bear cycles unless it's an occasional short, or I'm looking to DCA into a new project.

Right now I'm just watching and waiting for better market conditions and doing research on anything that piques my interest.

We talked on Twitter, I don't teach, but feel free to DM me on there if you ever need any help or have questions. I'm not an elite trader or anything, I just trade market cycles mainly.

Sounds interesting already lol, that shirt got me laughing I must say. Am also not looking at getting into the rat race but by the looks I will have to so I don't exhaust my cryptos.
Good luck bro

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Am also not looking at getting into the rat race but by the looks I will have to so I don't exhaust my cryptos.

Same here, last bull run I took out money to live on, and also made a separate trading fund. I just started dipping into my trading fund, so I have to do something quickly. That money is solely for investing.

🤣😂🤣😉😎🤙 that shirt was just awesome! and i don't even fish.. :P

good luck in that or whatever u decide to do..

that shirt was just awesome! and i don't even fish.

LOL, yeah, I should have bought it. That was a mistake.

good luck in that or whatever u decide to do..

Many thanks! Appreciate the support.

Reminds me a bit of Retail Arbitrage which many Amazon sellers do to get started.

Reminds me a bit of Retail Arbitrage which many Amazon sellers do to get started.

I was actually considering this and it may be something I revisit down the road. It just seemed confusing, a bit more of an investment, and more than I wanted to take on right now. I've already got some experience with LetGo and Ebay so I thought I'd start with what I know.

I love antiquities and enjoy going to flea markets, although I didn't find yet a niche to try collection and maybe do some trading and selling as well. It feels like a hobby, but in the same time it allows earning money, similar as on Hive ;))

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It feels like a hobby, but in the same time it allows earning money, similar as on Hive ;))

Nailed it. I love having hobbies that earn money. You find two or three things you love doing that earn money, and you really never have to work because your work will feel like your hobby. That's pretty much where I'm trying to go with all this 🤣