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RE: Saturday Savers Club with @susie-saver | Week 48 - Saturday 26 November 2022 | EDSMM Giveaway | Win EDS for Comments - everyone welcome

in LeoFinance • 2 years ago

Thank you for the HSBI and the EDSMM! (which also was staked) 😊

Here's a little update on my savings goals!

  • Today marks day 31 on my 365 challenge, and I'm still going strong on that savings goal!
  • I placed 1 HBD into savings during the month of November, and am going to transfer 1 HBD to savings today as well, which I'll be up to 7.65 HBD in Savings!
  • I took part in my first Power Up Day since joining Hive, and I Powered Up the minimum of 10 Hive to earn the badge! 😊 New goal for next year - participate in every Hive PUD for 2023, with the minimum 10 Hive to earn the badge!

As to this week's EDSMM contest questions:

To be honest, I've only voted for 2 witnesses so far throughout my hive journey, @hivebuzz and @hextech. I made these two witness votes fairly early, before I even fully understood what witnesses are.

Since then, I haven't really given much thought about "who" to vote for, since I don't really know "why" I want to vote for them yet either. (Although, I may give one of my votes to @peakd because I do primarily use, and not to mention I love, this platform!

But I will definitely be checking out those posts by @sorin.cristescu and @pharesim so I can get a better understanding! All in all, I don't want to be willy nilly with my witness votes, and I want to support those that support the growth and development of Hive in a positive way!

Also, while I do understand the concept and certain aspects regarding decentralized governance, I'm still "young" enough in my Hive journey that I'm still a little mystified by it all 🤣