Save Grandma

in LeoFinance11 months ago


Homeless older people in Bulgaria are one of the most vulnerable groups in our society. They face many challenges and need our support and attention.

First and foremost, we need to realize that homeless older people are people just like us, with their own stories, dreams and needs. They have lost their homes for a variety of reasons - financial hardship, family problems, substance abuse or health issues. Regardless of the reason, they have been left homeless and curveless.

One of the biggest challenges homeless older adults face is lack of access to basic necessities of life such as food, water, clothing and medical care. Many are exposed to the dangers of cold, hunger and disease. That is why it is important to support organizations and initiatives that provide these basic services to the homeless.

In addition to physical needs, older homeless people also need psychological support. Many of them have fallen into depression and hopelessness because of their situation. It is important to show them that they are not forgotten and that there are people who support and care for them. Even small gestures of kindness and consideration can make a big difference in the lives of homeless people.

In addition, we need to fight the prejudice and stigma associated with homelessness. Many people have negative perceptions of the homeless, considering them lazy or irresponsible. In fact, many of them face serious problems and struggle to survive every day. We need to change our attitude and accept them as equal members of society.

Older homeless people deserve our support and empathy. They face many challenges and need our help to help them return to a life of dignity. Let's come together and work together to create better conditions for them and help them integrate back into society.

I decided to open this thread as yesterday antoniohive.vibe and I came across an elderly grandmother on her way home who was selling her own books, her library, as she is ill and needs money. We spent about 1 hour and 30 minutes in her company. Like what impressed us that only we and 2 others stopped when she passed people around us inviting them to buy books. Absolutely no one listened and was blinded by going into the shop and buying beer and cigarettes or others saying merci I don't read books. So I welcome all of us to stop and pay a little attention to these sad people as even just talking to someone is enough <3

Let us give them wings so that they too feel important an


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Well done 👍🏻

Thank you I think that all of us can do it 🙏

Good job⚠️ 🙏😊

We need to care of them <3

Yay! 🤗
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