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RE: Looking for Paradise in Tasmania on a Budget

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Some really great places with some spectacular views.
It looks like you are approaching everything very methodically,
Weighing the pros and cons of each possibility paints a much clearer picture.
The homes that check the most important reasons for relocating will make their way to the top of the list.

Prices of Real-estate seem to be skyrocketing all over the place.
Homes back in New Jersey, where our kids still live, are hitting the market and sold within 24 hours, going for 25 % over asking price,
The advice I give my daughter, who's looking to purchase her very first house, is take your time. I believe the housing market is going to have a correction and prices will somewhat return to normal.

For me, this would be a deal breaker.

(The thing is, currently we have to buy sight unseen which is awful. What if we don't like the vibe of the place? Vibe means a LOT in our world.

I don't know how else to put it, but if you don't like the vibe of the place and the dirt is now yours, your f--ked.

Take your time my friend, you may not yet be living at your dream location, but from what I can tell by what you share with us on #hive, you guys seem to be comfortable with your present situation.

Well thought out dreams have a better chance of becoming a reality.
Peace @riverflows