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RE: Free Money: What Will You Do With $216k Worth Of Crypto In Your Wallet? (2)

in LeoFinance2 years ago

The simple easy way to avoid your conscience bugging you is just to return it.
You never know if that person is in such a hurry to use the money. Investing it, like in HBD, takes time to withdraw. And what will we do if we invest it on a volatile asset that dropped in value? I think this boils down to the saying;

We should never invest what we can't afford to lose.

And other peoples money that just happened to land in our hands are one of those. 😊

Also, we don't know who owns them and what they are willing to do to take back their money or to take revenge, if you happened to lose it.



Well trying to invest it in a stable coin is trying to establish a middle ground if you ask me. Because it's quite better than trying to take the whole money. Nevertheless for people who do not want that guilt on their mind, the best thing would be to return it I guess, but I can't certain of anything because anything that might happen would be dependent on the owner of the money..

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